AppSamurai is an Adjust module partner. AppSamurai receives attribution and in-app event data through automated callbacks by module integration.
This guide is a walkthrough for tracker and postback setup. You can check the Advanced section for more information on AppSamurai-Adjust integration.
To begin module integration with AppSamurai, go to the Campaign Lab, select Partners, and then click Create a New Partner.
Enter the "App Samurai" in the search field and select it to get started
Select an AppSamurai partner to get started!
Select the app that you want to promote with AppSamurai.
Enter an identifier(Link Name) on how your link collects data from your Partner. The identifier(Link Name) will represent the Network Level section.
Define a deep link that redirects the users to a specific app page. Put your app scheme of your specific app.
Fx: yourapp://product
Ps: we do not need to add for mobile apps in game category
Choose the supported devices field as default “App Stores”
Set your attribution setting for App Samurai Partner Tracker
Review your setup before create a Link
Copy the Tracker URL using the Copy URL button on the right hand side, as you hover over your AppSamurai Tracker.
Below is a sample of what the URL should look like:
* Ps: Callbacks are no longer exist{sub_id}&idfa={device_id}&gps_adid={device_id}&appsamurai_click_id={ref_id}
Data Sharing Setup
In the Partner section please choose the data sharing section and select which app you need to do settings
To Enable data sharing for AppSamurai click to edit button as mentioned following screenshot
From the pop up, switch to toggle button to enable
Default setup will be always selected the “Data from all attribution sources”
So, what is the difference between the data from all attribution sources and Only data attributed to App Samurai.
The “data from all attribution sources” is to receive data from the all sources as Other partners, organic traffics..etc
The “Only data attributed to App Samurai” is to receive only AppSamurai data.
What data you would like to share with the AppSamurai choose one of the following
Uninstall & reinstall
“Map your events” section firstly you need map the events to the values AppSamurai can receive
After mapping click the “Map event” button and choose Adjust event
Fx: Level 1, Level 50 … etc and type the Name of the event that AppSamurai would like to get the chosen data and save it.
Partner Setup: